Gentoo is about to remove layman. Overlays can now be managed via eselect repository
To migrate our overlay, you need to first delete our repository from layman, then add it through eselect by following the instruction for new installations below. In addition to our repository you may also still have to delete go-overlay
which we depended on for some time; use qlist -I -R | grep -F '::go-overlay'
to check that you don't depend on any packages before deleting it (it is gone from the official repository list).
layman -l # check which repositories were installed
layman -d megacoffee # delete ours
layman -d go-overlay # also delete go-overlay (if you don't need it)
There are some additional steps to remove layman but that's out of scope of this bulletin. Please refer to the Gentoo forums for more comprehensive steps instead, for example this thread.
At this unofficial place, we publish some ebuilds that may (or may not) be interesting to other Gentoo users. What we serve here are
All these ebuilds should be considered experimental. As we collect them from other sources (in accordance to the licenses), you are of course free to copy ours as well.
The easiest way is to use eselect repository to connect with us.
First, get app-eselect/eselect-repository
if you haven't done so already:
emerge app-eselect/eselect-repository # and follow instructions for /etc/make.conf
$EDITOR /etc/eselect/repository.conf # check the configuration before first use
from the default
"mirror" to the original list (labelled "alternative" in the configuration) or to manually override the URL for our overlay. If you use the "mirror" list you will connect to modified forks on GitHub which are controlled by (hopefully...) Gentoo. We do not have any control over the fork of our repository there; use at your own risk! If you switch to the original list you will be syncing directly with all original repositories instead. You will want to verify the domain recorded in /etc/portage/repos.conf/eselect-repo.conf
to be sure.
We are on the official overlay repository list, so once you have set up eselect repository
all you need to do is:
rm ~/.cache/eselect-repo/repositories.xml
to your local installation by running eselect repository enable megacoffee
- you should see an output similar to this:# eselect repository enable megacoffee
--2023-08-07 19:32:10--
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 232044 (227K) [text/xml]
Saving to: ‘/root/.cache/eselect-repo/repositories.xml’
repositories.xml 100%[============================>] 226.61K --.-KB/s in 0.02s
2023-08-07 19:32:11 (13.2 MB/s) - ‘/root/.cache/eselect-repo/repositories.xml’ saved [232044/232044]
Adding megacoffee to /etc/portage/repos.conf/eselect-repo.conf ...
1 repositories enabled
lists [megacoffee]
with a
(sub-)domain. If it doesn't, please read our advisory above as we have no control over forked repositories outside our domain. You can also try to manually edit the URL if you don't want to change the overlay list globally; please use
in that case.emerge --sync
will update from our overlay after the main repository.emerge --sync
or run emaint sync --repo megacoffee
to just download our overlay.At this place we keep you informed about what ebuilds are available and why we added them, and what you should know about them if there's something special (such as "recovered" files from official Gentoo portage tree).
Category/Name | Maintainer | Version(s) | Comment |
app-admin/boinc-status | dneuge | 3.10 | boinc-status is a bash script to monitor BOINC |
app-admin/boinctui-extended | dneuge | 1.0.2 | boinctui-extended is a curses-based terminal BOINC client manager |
app-backup/backup2l | dneuge | 1.5, 1.4 |
backup2l is a simple and easy to setup backup script This is a slightly modified version of the ebuild posted to official Bugzilla by user "Will" in 2007. (Bug #167249) |
app-crypt/acmetool | dneuge | 0.2.2, 9999[M] |
acmetool is a command line tool for automatically acquiring certificates from ACME servers Original ebuild for 0.0.58 copied from jmesmon overlay and patched to work after repository was renamed. Version 0.2.1 supports ACME v2. Officially, 0.2.1 still has beta status but this is your only chance to continue using acmetool. Update may require a new account to be configured; see this blog post. |
app-misc/qutescoop | dneuge | 3.0.0_rc3 2.2_pre20201118[M] 9999[M] | QuteScoop is a status monitor for VATSIM. |
app-office/softmaker-office | dneuge | 2024-1200* 2021-1064 2021-1062 2021-1060 2021-1034 |
SoftMaker Office is an office suite featuring a word processor (TextMaker), spreadsheets (PlanMaker) and slides software (Presentations). If you have a subscription license, you need to install app-office/softmaker-office-nx instead starting from version 2024-1200. This ebuild will be discontinued as it cannot be unlocked with a subscription any more, it's now only for the standalone products.Note that this ebuild installs the regular commercial version (i.e. not FreeOffice) which offers a 30-day trial upon installation. Check the website for information on available licensing options. |
app-office/softmaker-office-nx | dneuge | 1202 1200 |
SoftMaker Office NX is an office suite featuring a word processor (TextMaker), spreadsheets (PlanMaker) and slides software (Presentations). This ebuild is for the online subscription. Standalone products are a separate download. Note that this ebuild installs the regular commercial version (i.e. not FreeOffice) which offers a 30-day trial upon installation. Check the website for information on available licensing options. |
kde-plasma/breeze | dneuge | 5.27.11 5.27.10 5.27.9-r1 5.27.8-r1 5.27.7 5.27.5 5.27.4 |
Breeze visual style for the Plasma desktop Copied from main Gentoo Portage repository. This ebuild adds the patch published as merge request 292 if patch_outline is enabled in order to make the border more configurable and restore previous borderless rendering. The patched ebuild is necessary because current state of discussions indicates that there will be no further release restoring previous rendering before KDE Plasma 6.
media-gfx/trimage | dneuge | 1.0.6 | Trimage, a GUI for PNG and JPEG optimization via optipng, pngcrush, advpng and jpegoptim |
media-libs/blackmagic-desktop-video | dneuge | 12.5 12.4.1 12.2.2 |
Desktop Video - drivers and tools for products by Blackmagic Design including DeckLink and Intensity Required to run any software for those products. Kernel module is being called blackmagic . Some QA Notices show during emerge, please ignore.To install Media Express as well, emerge media-video/blackmagic-media-express .
media-libs/blackmagic-desktop-video-sdk | dneuge | 12.5.1 12.4.1 12.2.2 |
Desktop Video SDK - headers, examples and documentation necessary to develop/compile custom applications for products by Blackmagic Design (also known as DeckLink SDK) Only needed if you want to build custom tools for Blackmagic hardware. Not required to run programs which have already been compiled with support for the Blackmagic DeckLink API. |
media-libs/mlt | dneuge | 7.24.0-r1 |
Open source multimedia framework for television broadcasting Temporarily restored from official portage tree to maintain compatibility with legacy KDE 5 installations (required by kde-apps/kdenlive-23.08.5, pulled in by kde-apps/kdemultimedia-meta). |
media-sound/yabridge-bin | dneuge | 5.1.1 | yabridge enables Windows VST and CLAP audio plugins to be used on Linux via wine. This ebuild installs binary releases as published on GitHub. |
media-video/blackmagic-media-express | dneuge | 3.8.1 3.7 |
Media Express - Blackmagic Design's tool for media capture, organization and playback (to be used with their products, such as DeckLink and Intensity) |
net-misc/asterisk-softmodem | dneuge | 20160525 |
A V.21/V.22/V.23 modem for Asterisk. This is mainly useful if you intend to emulate a Bildschirmtext dial-up connection (BTX, old German data service). However, the module may have other uses as well as it is configurable to provide any service running over the implemented protocols. Some shortcomings: Keep in mind that VoIP is usually using lossy encoding optimized for speech. If you're using SIP make sure your VoIP clients use lossless or at least "data-friendly" codecs (such as G.711/PCM ulaw/alaw or G.726) and make sure your VoIP connection is safe from packet loss. Also (at least for V.23) connecting modems may require special AT commands to detect the protocol's carrier, such as AT+MS=3,0,300,1200 - you may want to RTFM on the AT commands and protocols supported by your specific modem. ;)
A quick word on what "Condition" means: As these ebuilds are merely dependencies for getting the above ebuilds to run/install, they may not have been tested enough for other uses and are usually of a more sloppy quality that would need improvement to be ready for general use. These are marked with "poor", whereas "okay" indicates unverified but expected-to-be-okay behaviour (e.g. modified ebuilds from other sources).
None available at this time.
Category/Name | When | Removed by | What / Reason |
dev-python/epc | 28 Feb 2021 | dneuge |
EPC, RPC stack for Emacs Lisp Used for bidirectional integration between Python and Emacs. Was required to integrate dev-python/jedi (available from main portage tree) with Emacs using Jedi.el.Removed because all officially supported Python versions were removed from Gentoo in February 2021 and thus the ebuild caused errors on tree indexing. It also appears that (when installed through MELPA) JEDI now distributes EPC by itself, so this ebuild should not be required any more. |
dev-python/sexpdata | 28 Feb 2021 | dneuge |
S-expression parser for Python No longer needed; dev-python/sexpdata is available in official Gentoo portage tree.Was a dependency of dev-python/epc which has been removed as well.
dev-vcs/kallithea | 28 Feb 2021 | dneuge |
Kallithea (GPLv3 fork of RhodeCode) a web-based frontend and middleware to Mercurial and Git repositories Kallithea versions before 0.4.1 have several more or less severe vulnerabilities, check their website for details. Megacoffee overlay has stopped providing updated ebuilds for a number of reasons. Most importantly we did not see any good (automatable) migration path between 0.3 and later versions, so an update would have required manual intervention anyway. Since the ebuild has just been a wrapper around virtualenv it should not be too difficult to replace it following the manual. |
dev-vcs/rhodecode | 28 Feb 2015 | dneuge |
RhodeCode, a web frontend for managing Mercurial and Git repositories
There were a number of issues with this ebuild:
As we advised against using our ebuild since July 2014, we decided to simply remove this ebuild. Please uninstall it if you didn't already or at least follow Kallithea's security notice to patch your installation! There were a number of dependency ebuilds we provided to get RhodeCode 1.3.6 up & running (at least when we initially wrote the ebuild). Those have been removed as well and should not have been installed unless you installed our RhodeCode ebuild:
kde-misc/py-cashew | 24 Apr 2016 | dneuge |
Plasmoid for KDE 4.6+ to remove the so-called Cashew (desktop configuration icon) - Changes in KDE broke this plasmoid beyond repair and it was thus abandoned in December 2013. "I HATE the cashew" popped up again and has been reported as working. |
media-libs/libwebp | 30 January 2022 | dneuge |
support library for webp (lossy image format) Removed because it was introduced in 2014 as a dependency to media-tv/mediabrowser-server which was already removed from our overlay in 2017. libwebp has been available from official portage for years. |
media-libs/xine-lib | 15 Dec 2019 | dneuge |
Legacy xine-lib version restored from official portage tree to be able to compile e.g. media-plugins/vdr-xineliboutput Removed due to EAPI 4. Generally no longer needed, all dependant programs should have been updated long ago. |
media-plugins/gimp-dds | 26 Feb 2022 | dneuge |
GIMP DDS Plugin for editing Direct Draw Surface files. Removed due to EAPI 5. GIMP 2.10 has native support for DDS import and export now, so the plugin should no longer be necessary. |
media-tv/emby-server | 23 Jun 2021 | gsnerf | Emby Server (formerly known as MediaBrowser Server) is a software that indexes a lot of different kinds of media and allows for them to be retrieved and played through the DLNA protocol on any device capable of processing them. |
media-tv/emby-server-beta | 23 Jun 2021 | gsnerf | Beta releases of media-tv/emby-server, see above. |
media-tv/mediabrowser-server | 3 Mar 2017 | gsnerf |
DLNA capable open source media server which can transcode on demand. Supports audio, video and more. Replaced by media-tv/emby-server. |
media-tv/plex-media-server | 3 Mar 2017 | gsnerf | media server part of the plex media center system originally built for OS X but over time ported to Windows and linux |
media-video/lightworks | 15 Dec 2019 | dneuge |
Lightworks is a feature-rich non-linear video editor (NLE). Removed due to EAPI 4. Ebuild only provided version 11.5 which was long outdated (current version is 14.5). |
media-video/qt-faststart-python | 28 Feb 2021 | dneuge |
Python implementation of qt-faststart from Removed because all officially supported Python versions were removed from Gentoo in February 2021 and thus the ebuild caused errors on tree indexing. As of 2021 (most-likely much earlier) FFMPEG is also able to just "convert to a faststart video" without any content recoding. Also, FFMPEG should no longer cause the issues it did when this Python reimplementation was created and in wide use and there haven't been any new releases in years. |
net-analyzer/nrpe | 15 Dec 2019 | dneuge |
Removed due to EAPI 4, ebuild provided version 2.15. Contact us if ebuild is still needed. |
net-im/trillian | 15 Dec 2019 | dneuge |
Removed due to EAPI 2. |
We use git for our repository. When using the original overlay source for megacoffee
you are accessing We do not host our repository on any other domains, in particular not on GitHub. If you happen to sync with a different repository please check the advisory regarding altered forks on Gentoo's default "mirror" list above.
We are Daniel Neugebauer (dneuge) and Michalis Adamidis (gsnerf), two software (former web) developers and long-time Gentoo users who came, saw and stayed with their favorite Linux distribution since Gentoo 1.4 RC3 (sometime back in 2003). Shortly after we rented a root server (and after a much too black coffee at work), we discovered that was an available domain and registered it as kind of a placeholder domain for services that we both needed to host but did not want to duplicate on our personal domains, and
If you want to contact any/both of us, simply send an email to
As already said in the introduction, this is an unofficial Gentoo community site.
The name "Gentoo" is a trademark of Gentoo Foundation, Inc. and is used in compliance with the Name and Logo Usage Guidelines.
Since this website is run by the same admin on the same server, the privacy policy of applies (only available in German).